Project: “OSMOSIS – Harnessing the Power of Sports Marketing as an Innovative Approach to Increase Social Inclusion and Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities”
Task: Kick-off meeting in Poland
Location: Poznań, Poland
Date: 26-29 April 2019 – 4 days
Participants: 4 people from Poland, 2 people from Bulgaria, 2 people from Macedonia, 2 people from Estonia, 2 people from Croatia, 2 people from Latvia. Total: 14 people – 4 days stay at Poznań (with transportation to Sport Centre in Puszczykowo (27.04.2019) and to Rehabilitation Leisure Centre WIELSPIN in Wągrowiec, 28.04.2019 (
- introducing Project Coordinator and Project Partners to each other,
- starting the Project – presentations its aims, assumptions; distributions of tasks etc.,
- integration and exchange of ideas and experiences related to the Project-related issues.
I meeting session:
– presentations of the Project Coordinator and Partners,
– presentation of a KIWI Group as a Project main subcontractor, which, among others, discussed the standardization of Project identification and the rules of using CI and presented the case study of a sport
organisation in the context of realising sport marketing tasks (PGNiG Superliga),
– presentation of the Project assumptions, aims etc.,
– distributions of tasks between Project Coordinator and Partners,
– discussion about Coordinator and Partners’ issues related to Project aims and realisation, marketing potential of the organisations engaged in the Project (sponsoring, image, local contexts), etc.
– social meeting, integration and exchange of experiences.
II meeting session:
– continuation of discussions about Projects aims, its realization and all Partners issues related to working with people with disabilities, the role of sports marketing in their institutions, the significance of cooperation with partners and sponsors etc.,
– familiarizing the Project Partners with the Sport and Rehabilitation Centre “Wielspin” in Wągrowiec by the Host and Project Coordinator – START,
– playing boccia – getting to know with this sport, adapted for physical activity of people with special needs,
– social evening and integration.
Results and assumptions:
– there will be created a google drive space, where all organisations will have access to all materials (photos, presentations, videos, inspirations etc.),
– the Organisations, which have not done it yet, will send their presentations by 15th May + materials, which had been specified in the entrance brief (before the meeting) but have not appeared in these presentations,
– START will provide all the Organisations with a press pack and will request them to send it to their (and not only their’s) partner media – the Organisations will send back the translated press note and the titles of the media + they will put it on their websites (translated materials will be put on the Google drive as a Project documentation),
– Organisations will receive the photos marked with OSMOSIS sign so as they could use them also for their facebook communication,
– in May, there will be presented the scope of the tasks that START + Partners would accomplish before the next meeting in August,
– until August, there will be also created a layout of a manual with modelled chapters as a starting point to make a full elaboration,
– the next meeting is planned from 16 to 18 of August, 2019 in Wągrowiec, Poland.
Overall rating
The meeting was organized due to the programme.
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