Training Workshops: implementing of Marketing Tool Package in Bulgaria
Organized by: Сдружение „Партньори – Кюстендил – Partners Kyustendil Association – project partner and START Association Poznań, Poland – project leader
Location: Kyustendil, Bulgaria
Date: 5-9 September 2020
I. Seminar:
1) “Current state of the Osmosis project” (Power Point presentations) – analysis, tasks performed and planned, discussion. Overview of project activities regarding Coronavirus pandemic.

2) Arrangement and accomplishing of Osmosis Open Event in Bulgaria – guidelines.
II. Preparation for Boccia promotional games “Social inclusion of able-bodied and people with disabilities through sport” – project test event in the Kyustendil city centre. Erasmus+Sport Project “OSMOSIS – Harnessing the Power of Sports Marketing as an Innovative Approach to Increase Social Inclusion and Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities” co-funded by the Erasmus+Programme of the European Union.

1. Project Partner from Bulgaria received sufficient information about the current state of the project, including current tools and Intellectual Outputs’ progress (tools available on Google Drive space).
2. Bulgarian Project Partner is familiar with the details about organizing the next year Osmosis Open Event in its country – the main task for the last year of the project.